OXY GEN is absolutely essential for the existence of all living matter. Oxygen is in all cellular and circulatory fluids of the body. It is also an important component of all organic compounds such as carbohydrates, glycogen, fats and proteins. OXY-GEN contains pure nutrient rich aloe vera that has been saturated with anaerocidal oxygen. This powerful supplement promotes energy and immune support. These formulas have been the choice of thousands of oxygen enthusiasts for years. OXY GEN is a high oxygen liquid mixture that tastes good and still gives the benefits of concentrated oxygen. This is a delicious compound of aloe vera saturated with magnesium peroxide is. OXY GEN combines the healing soothing properties of aloe vera with the detoxifying properties of hydrogen peroxide. Every ounce is equivalent to 20 drops of H2O2. Formerly Dr. Donsbach's Superoxy Plus. Cherry Berry 1 qt. bottle