Colloidal Silver
Oxy Max is Colloidal Silver in Stabilized Oxygen. It is an all natural antibacterial, antimicrobial agent and an extrordinary cold and flu remedy. With OXY MAX you get better in no time! OXY MAX- is 24 parts per million Colloidal Silver in a Stabilized Oxygen solution. Colloidal Silver is the perfect nontoxic drug for wide spectrum antibiotic effect. No disease causing organism can live in the presence of even minute traces of colloidal silver which has been proven effective against over 650 different infectious conditions. The same holds true for stabilized oxygen and there is a synergistic effect when the two are combined. This potent biocide will knock out any germ you come in contact with.
OXY MAX is an antimicrobial agent that combines colloidal silver and stabilized oxygen. These are two of nature's most powerful germ killing agents in a synergistic solution. This extraordinary cold and flu remedy combines the powerful oxidizing action of stabilized oxygen with the natural antibiotic properties of colloidal silver. Silver is a powerful antibiotic used for thousands of years with no adverse side effects. In the early years of this country colonialists would put a silver dollar in milk to keep it fresh at room temperature. Colloidal silver is made up of very fine particles of silver in suspension. Acting as a catalyst, colloidal silver disables the enzyme system of bacteria, fungi and viruses without harming the human body. Colloidal silver is so effective that in six minutes or less after contact bacteria are dead.
If you catch a cold or flu take OXY MAX as directed until it goes away. It can also be used preventively. If you feel a cold or the flu coming on, put ¼ ounce of OXY MAX in 4 ounces of water every hour for four to six hours. You will spare yourself from being sick for days. Thousands of people have used it for herpes and cold sores to good effect - even chronic annual outbreaks respond. Colloidal silver is the perfect nontoxic drug to use for its wide spectrum antibiotic effect. A researcher at Brigham Young University sent colloidal silver to two different labs including UCLA Medical Center for testing. UCLA reported: "It killed every virus that it was tested on in the lab."
OXY MAX contains a 24 parts per million (ppm) of colloidal silver suspended in a solution of antimicrobial stabilized oxygen. It should be used as everyone's first line of defense against common ailments such as colds and flu’s and as a complement to proper care in more serious conditions. Individuals with chronic and degenerative conditions generally have an impaired or suppressed immune system. This opens the body to a variety of opportunistic, infectious diseases. OXY MAX can be used as a prophylactic to prevent or eliminate such complications. OXY MAX with colloidal silver and stablilized oxygen can be used directly over cuts, scrapes and open sores.
Proven Invincible
Bacteria and other organisms harmful to man do not develop a tolerance to silver and cannot create resistant strains. Using colloidal silver on a regular basis is like having a second immune system to protect you. If you only use it when you are not feeling well, it is generally well tolerated - much better than other medicines you might normally use. It has no side effects or interactions with other drugs, nutrients or therapies. It may be one of the finest remedies for all colds, flu and other minor infections that we are exposed to. Medicine made broad use of the sterilizing action of silver in years past but when antibiotics became available, silver gradually was discarded. Silver nitrate is routinely used today in the eyes of newborns to prevent blindness that might occur from contamination during the birthing process. One of the most effective present day uses of silver in the medical profession is in the treatment of burns. Dressings with silver stimulate and speed up healing dramatically as compared to other compounds. Silver in combination with activated oxygen raises it biocidal potential.
Safe & Legal
As an antibiotic, silver has been proven effective against over 650 different infectious conditions as compared to traditional antibiotics that are effective against only 6 or 7 conditions each. Prior to 1938 colloidal silver was administered in just about every way that modern drugs are administered. It was injected both intravenously and intramuscularly, used as a gargle for throat conditions, as a douche, taken orally and applied topically for all manner of skin conditions. Colloidal silver is less expensive than the antibiotics that it replaces making colloidal silver a product within reach of everyone's lifestyle.
Colloidal silver is the best form of silver for oral ingestion. It is absorbed into the tissue gradually so that it is not irritating to delicate tissues. Tasteless, odorless and totally non-toxic, colloidal silver makes a valuable addition to your medicine chest. One of the lesser-known properties of colloidal silver is its ability to destroy intestinal parasite eggs on contact. This is a circumstance that affects far more individuals than is generally recognized. Many conclusive tests have been performed. No known disease causing organism can live in the presence of even minute traces of colloidal silver. It works without the fear of overdose, so during periods of acute distress more can be taken.
Stabilized Oxygen
Stabilized Oxygen is another germicide. It is a stable oxygen rich compound which readily gives up singlet oxygen under the proper stimulus. This singlet oxygen is very active when released in the bloodstream. Like a bullet it pops or lyses the outer membrane of germs, bacteria and infected cells while not harming healthy cells. The stabilized liquid oxygen found in OXY MAX is dependent on the acid environment of your stomach to release its beneficial oxygen. This is precisely what the white blood cells of your immune system do to keep you healthy. When the singlet oxygen is freed it immediately seeks out its favorite victims - germs, bacteria and virus then pops them like a bursting a balloon.
Combining the effects of colloidal silver and stabilized oxygen in a single formula may make this one of the most potent disease fighters ever known. There is a significant synergy to the way these two biocides combine and team up to rid your body of unwelcome guests. We have received volumes of feedback from people grateful for such fast relief. The ease of administration and total safety allow its use for the entire family with confidence. OXY MAX is a good product to have on hand when you need it so stock up. Arm yourself with this medicine chest remedy for all seasons. With OXY MAX you’ll be better in no time!